Wednesday, 10 June 2015

My Review Report (II) on GNDU Physics Department

After 2 years, interest in my Report on Physics department has revived again; some motivation came from Dr Gursharanjit Singh of GN studies and the rest by our own students/teachers. I don’t mind criticism as nothing is perfect in this World. We are bound to make errors (To error is human).

After my return from Paris, I met VC of GNDU in Jan. 1974. He read my CV but asked me a counter question: How can U reach the top of Ladder from the lower danda (rung)? I understood his satire that I am too young for Professorship.

In June 1979, when GNDU failed to find a suitable candidate for Professorship from USA, I was called by Dean Science Faculty (SS Sandhu of Chemistry) to appear for Professor’s post again; this time they selected me as Assoc. Professor (Reader) with a rider that I shall be promoted after watching my progress for 2 years. I reported myself on duty on 10th July, started admission exercise, as we were already late, and shifting from one room accommodation in Chemistry block to 2 rooms provided in Physics Block on 15th July.

Our Start was good but we were soon plagued by circumstances: Punjab was engulfed by terrorism leading to Operation Blue Star in 1984. In 1979 interview, 55 candidates appeared for Lecturer Interview including 16 Toppers of Universities from Kolkatta to Calicut. After 1984, GNDU failed to attract good candidates beyond Punjab-Haryana border at Shambu. We lost 4 best teachers up to 1984 and replacement was a big problem. Once I called a Particle Physicist from UK, Baldev Singh Bains, he reached Amritsar but returned from city Bus stop calling me on Phone: “Sir, I am a clean shaven, I don’t want to be killed by joining GNDU”.   Ultimately, I asked Dr Z.R. Khan of AMU to send some suitable Scholar to teach Theory courses in GNDU.

Our Courses were up to date but our faculty could not cope with its delivery. In my Opinion, teachers are mere Communicators of Knowledge and students, if guided and inspired, can fill up the gap. Building up Teaching & Research from a scratch was a big Challenge. No one can doubt my sincerity but we were under duress to cope with the Punjab situation going from bad to worse. This situation remained up to 1990s but my Headship was over after 7 years (1979-86). Another handicap was our sudden expansion program during my headship: from B.Sc. (Hons) in 1979, we started 4 M.Sc. Courses during 7 years. Geophysics and Energy Science Programs crashed after 5 years as competent faculty was not available.

Why I recount all this Story? Last year, GNDU VC twice complained that our Teachers are not doing enough research as We (myself and other HODs of Physics) failed to recruit good quality teachers and employed our own Ph.Ds.  I reminded him, we recruited 4 IITians, 2 were good but the other 2 proved a flop show.  Analysis of 500 Research Papers published by Physics Faculty (2009-14) has revealed that per Capita production of research in Physics is higher than any other Department of GNDU in citations. As Tarsem Gill points: Google Baba and Research gate can establish the TRUTH, if there is any doubt about performance of our faculty. Hope this blame game is a part of GNDU politics, not a reality.
HS Virk


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